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Choose up to 7 items per week from your choice of Brady Farm stand locations.  When you choose to pick up your share at Brady Farm, also enjoy one bunch of U-pick herbs or flowers from the designated patch of the field!


 This year, you will have more flexibility of pick-up schedule:

  • On-farm pick up Wednesday - Friday, 9am - 4pm, and Satuday 8am - 12pm 
  • the Valley (Tops) Plaza on Saturday, 8am - 1pm
  • 307 Gifford St on Thursday, times TBD 


You have a choice of starting in week 1 or week 2:

  • Week 1, June 11 - Oct 18
  • Week 2, June 18 - Oct 25

Attention: Your first and last day of CSA varys depending on which farmstand you choose for your location!


Farmstand Share CSA - 10 weeks


    Brady Farm uses organic growing practices. When purchasing from other local farms, we prioritize farms that use organic practices, and will also purchase non-organic products as needed. 


    We strive to tell you four days in advance what to expect in your box. Due to unforeseen challenges of farming (pest, disease, weather, etc), we may have to substitute items.

    Additional items may be purchased online and added to your box. Those items must be ordered two days before you receive your share in order to allow time for harvest, washing and packing.


    We encourage you to unpack your items as soon as possible. Items such as greens, root veggies (not onion or garlic), summer squash, herbs and berries should be refrigerated right away. Most store longer with their tops removed, and in a closed container.

    Most peppers, tomatoes, and eggplant can be stored for short periods at room temperature. 

    Onions, potatoes, winter squash and garlic can store for 2-6 months in a cool dark spot (depending on the item).

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